Thursday, April 28, 2011


Our activity today was about being modest. We talked about what it means to be modest and how we are to dress our bodies.

I got the lesson from The article is titled "Modesty - More Than Just a Standard".

After our lesson the girls got to dress some paper dolls in modest attire. Their clothes were all made out of candy. The girls had a great time and were so creative...

Zoe loves being a part of the Activity Day group. She will have all the requirements met for her Faith in God award before she's even old enough to officially be in Activity Days.

All the finished works of art...

Thursday, April 7, 2011

You Are Special

We started this activity with Sister Prete reading the book "You Are Special" by Max Lucado. While the story was being read I walked around the room putting black circles and star stickers on the girls.

At the end of the story I started taking the stickers off the girls when we learned that the character Lucia doesn't have stickers on her because she only cares about what her maker thinks of her and not what others think of her.

After the story we had the girls decorate cupcakes and then talked about how even though we all used the same ingredients all of our cupcakes turned out different. Just like all of us are made of the same stuff we are all different and unique. The only opinion that truly matters is what our creator thinks of us. Our Heavenly Father loves each of us individually because we are his children! All the girls were so excited to have Sister Prete be a part of our Activity today. Thank you so much for your help with our fun activity!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


This afternoon we had a fun activity based on the scriptures. We learned that with the Holy Ghost we can do anything and that he will always be with us if we make right choices.

We made fabric bookmarks for our scriptures which the girls were so excited about. They got the chance to use the sewing machine and make their own unique bookmarks.

We also made mini scriptures out of mini candy bars, ribbon and paper.

It was a very fun activity but a bit chaotic since I was without help. All the girls got their items completed and that's what matters most!

Thursday, January 27, 2011


Todays activity turne out to be a bit chaotic! I made sure I had all the supplies together for the girls to work on a baby quilt for Lindsey Bowen's baby shower. Everything was in order and waiting for the girls to arrive. I threaded the first needle with the yarn I had chosen and tried to make the first tie. I couldn't even pull the yarn through the fabric. When it broke I knew we were in trouble.

Luckily one of the girls is very crafty and lives really close so she went home a grabbed some yarn from her supply. Thank you Lexi for saving the day!!

With all the confusion and running around by the time we got things ready there wasn't much time left for the girls to work on the quilt. Each of them did get to make a few ties and they had a good time playing during the confusion.